There are heroes. There are villains. And then there are legends. They are those unique characters that aren’t just essential to a story – they have a life beyond those stories, generation after generation. Legends are eternal. And Halloween has many of them.

When John P. projected Legends of Halloween Decoration onto Hollusion Projection Material, he made it appear that The Grim Reaper had come to visit his home. Read all about it in the AtmosFAN Hall of Fame.
AtmosFX’s newest decoration celebrates these one-of-a-kind Halloween eternals. The Legends of Halloween Decoration Collection features three essential characters that are synonymous with the season – the Headless Horseman, the Grim Reaper and the Pumpkin King. The stories they tell are sometimes heroic, sometimes terrifying – and always captivating. They are legends for a reason, after all!
All three characters are sure to be an essential part of the story that you tell at your home or office every October, whether you display them on your windows, walls or TV, or on Hollusion Projection Material or an AtmosFX Decorating Disc. How best to incorporate these Legends of Halloween into your Halloween story? We have some great ideas for you.
The Heroes of Hollusions
While it might not be clear if the Headless Horseman, the Grim Reaper and the Pumpkin King are ghosts – they certainly are eternal. And that being the case, you’ll want to present them in the most mysterious way possible. That’s the perfect job for Hollusion Projection Material, the gray-colored see-through fabric that becomes practically invisible in the darkness. When you project any of the three Legends of Halloween onto this material, they will appear and disappear into what seems like thin air.
That ability to become visible and invisible at seemingly any moment is what makes Hollusion Mode displays such an essential component to any decoration display, large or small, indoors or out.
Imagine hearing the Headless Horseman galloping towards you, but seeing only the faint glow of a jack-o’-lantern off in the distance. Then – boom! – he’s upon you! Or, imagine how trick-or-treaters (actually, probably the parents) might react when the Grim Reaper materializes in a dark hallway when you answer the doorbell on Halloween night. Hollusions make it possible!
Be a Window Warrior
Creating Window Mode displays tends to be a preferred way for so many Halloween fans to create compelling decoration displays. Why? Not only is it easy to set up, but large windows tend to be at the front of the house where everyone can see it. That makes it the perfect place on which to display AtmosFX Decorations!
That is certainly the case for the heroes of Legends of Halloween. Simply place Window Projection Material in the window, and project onto it from inside your house. All three characters come with scenes with included backgrounds, or without. That means you have the choice of making it appear as though the Pumpkin King is lurking through your darkened house or, if you choose, you can make your neighbors think that you’ve remodeled your house in the fashion of a haunted shack!
Because windows at the front of the house tend to be large and facing the sidewalk, they can be a very effective backdrop for the rest of your Halloween display. Put it to good use! For example, If you have created a graveyard on your lawn, it makes perfect sense to display the Grim Reaper in the window behind it, looming ominously. Or, perhaps you’ve created a pumpkin patch as part of your Halloween decoration display. It seems only right that the Pumpkin King should be in the window, lording over the patch.
Stories Set on any Surface
Projecting onto a wall, ceiling or floor is the simplest way to display any AtmosFX Decoration. That’s true for Legends of Halloween, too. Called “surface projections,” they work indoors or out.
Just as we discussed above with windows, it is also easy to display the heroes of Legends of Halloween on walls and garage doors, amongst all the other props of your display. To do so gives the entire display great depth. Think thematically – if you are projecting the Headless Horseman on your garage, for instance, wouldn’t it be great for glowy jack-o’-lanterns to be nearby?
Surface projections work indoors, as well. Just make sure you can find a wall that doesn’t have a lot of obstructions (shelves, pictures, etc.) so that the characters of Legends of Halloween can really stand out. Place your projector up high, so that when people congregate in front of the wall, they won’t block the projection. This works really great at Halloween parties.
Legends of the Small Screen
Legends of Halloween also looks great on a TV, computer monitor or tablet – especially if you are able to slightly camouflage the shape of the device and the brightness of the display with some mesh-like material such as Hollusion Projection Material or similar. We’ve seen plenty of AtmosFANs place a camouflaged TV or monitor in the window to great effect. Consider doing so in a dark window nearest the trick-or-treat candy bowl!
For those who like to build mind-blowing props, consider incorporating Legends of Halloween with a TV or monitor behind a one-way mirror. With not too much effort, you can create a “haunted mirror.” (Click here for a quick article to see how it’s done.) Imagine someone at your Halloween party looking into what they think is a normal mirror only to see the Grim Reaper suddenly appear in the reflection. Make sure to have a bucket and a mop nearby!
Another clever Halloween party trick is to use a digital picture frame or framed tablet with Legends of Halloween on the display. Stick it on the bookshelf amongst other framed photos and wait for your guests to discover it. When they do, you can be certain everyone will congregate there.
Round out Your Display
Speaking of decorating for Halloween parties, make sure to utilize AtmosFX’s Decorating Disc XL. It is essentially a 43-inch circular projection screen that is lightweight enough to hang anywhere, indoors or out. It makes a great focal point for any outdoor display, especially at night. And indoors, hang it above the DJ or the punchbowl for all to see. You can also place it in your window. All of the characters in Legends of Halloween have been optimized for this circular format, making it just another clever way to display these timeless heroes.
No matter how you wind up displaying the Legends of Halloween Decoration Collection, you’ll be sure to find that these eternal characters will be exactly what your Halloween display needs. And that, of course, is likely to ensure that you become a Halloween legend in your neighborhood, as well!
How will you use the Legends of Halloween Decoration Collection? We want to see it! Send your photos and videos to us using this simple online submission form!