Why should Yuletide Window have all the fun? With that being the guiding principle, one of AtmosFX’s most popular Christmas decorations was re-imagined for a dazzling Halloween treatment – stunning designs full of fall color, plus just the right amount of spooky, but not scary, flavor.
Matt Howard and his family uses the Halloween Window Decoration create a full-blown Harry Potter-themed experience at their San Jose, California, home. Read about it in the AtmosFAN Hall of Fame.
For the uninitiated, Halloween Window Decoration is a collection of exquisitely detailed designs in digital stained glass. Like Yuletide Window Decoration, one design morphs into the next, creating an endlessly colorful holiday display. Unlike Yuletide Window, however, it has more designs (13 total) and a longer running time that is nearly twice as long. Plus, it is Halloween themed! (But you already knew that.)
Either way, both Yuletide Window and Halloween Window decorations are spectacular displays, giving no end of joy to those who view it.
So, where’s the best place to display it?
Windows, Obviously
You’d expect us to say that about a Window Mode display that is all about stained glass, right? Well, we should, because it looks great!
An easy place to start is the front window of your home. Hang some Window Projection Material, point your projector at the material, and run Halloween Window just like you’d do for any other AtmosFX Decoration. The biggest, most prominent window works best – and it doesn’t matter if it is vertical or horizontal, because both options are included. And make sure to position your projector so that the image fills your entire window – you want to have bold Halloween color for all to see.

Halloween Window works great as either a stand-alone decoration, or as part of a massive Halloween display with other AtmosFX Decorations, props and lights. Set the decoration to loop and the colorful Halloween images will delight for hours on end.
And businesses, this decoration works great in the windows of your storefront – both establishing your Halloween spirit and drawing in potential customers for a closer look. (Just make sure to check if AtmosFX’s Commercial Use License is relevant for you – just click the link for details.)
All this talk about going big doesn’t mean you can’t use Halloween Window in smaller spaces – it looks great there, too. Because it is a jolt of color anywhere you deploy it, make sure to think out-of-the box. Would displaying it on a glass shower door or a glass coffee table add some spooky spunk to a location that needs it? What about Halloween Window displayed from the inside on a car windshield as part of a “Trunk ’n’ Treat” – assuming, of course, you are not driving it?
Color on Display, Big Time
Just because this decoration has “window” in its title, it doesn’t mean you must display it there. Walls, ceilings and floors work great, too.
For example, because Halloween Window is a rectangular blast of color, any large light-color wall becomes extremely captivating, indoors or out. Garage doors or even the entire side of a house is a fantastic canvas. Think of what your neighbors would say if they can see your house costumed in Halloween-themed stained glass from way down the street. (Trust us: They’ll say they love it.)
For those who like whole-house projection mapping displays, Halloween Window gives you a ton of clever images from which to build your display, whether you project the entire decoration onto your home, or if you edit select vignettes into your customized projection map display (like was done here for Yuletide Window).
Don’t forget that any place that you would normally hang Hollusion Projection Material can also be a place to project Halloween Window. Because the material disappears in the darkness and becomes more transparent, the effect will be more mysterious than when projecting on a wall or window. But isn’t mystery part of the fun?
And don’t stop there. If you have a short-throw projector and the ability to mount it on the ceiling, you can create a decoration in places most people won’t expect. For instance, projecting on a light-color carpet or a white tablecloth on a dining table will inject color and Halloween style almost instantly. Outdoors, if you can place your projector up high, you can do the same on light-color sidewalks, driveways and other pedestrian areas.
Halloween Screens
TVs, monitors and tablets are, of course, probably the easiest way to display Halloween Window. There are so many ways to do so – connect an HDMI cable to a laptop, copy the decoration to a USB drive or SD card and plug it into your monitor or TV, or connect directly to the Sprite Motion Sensor and Media Player. (If using a tablet, you’ll need to copy the decoration onto it.) No matter how you connect Halloween Window, it is sure to bring a captivating jolt of color to any screen.
TV screens and tablets are great when you want a little Halloween flavor in a corner that desperately needs it, but you don’t have the time to create something more elaborate. Or you can stick that tablet or monitor in your window for everyone else to see your spirit.
And for those of you participating in endless Zoom work meetings, think about how great it’d look as an October virtual background? We can show you how to create that here.
The truth is, there are no shortage of ways you can use this versatile Halloween-themed decoration. The number of uses are endless as they are beautiful – and we can’t want to see what you will do with it!
And when you, make sure you send us your photos and videos using this handy submission form!
And it you liked the stained glass Halloween Window, remember that there are now three stained-glass decorations perfect for the winter holiday season: Yuletide Window, Nativity Window and Hanukkah Window!
How do others ‘Halloween Window’ in their decoration displays? Check it out here!
Brandon Aguilar uses a single 12,000-lumen projector to project on his Rancho Mission Viejo, Calif., home. Although they appear to be multiple Window Projections, Brandon's display of Halloween Window Decoration is actually projection mapping.
Arnold Andrews of Box Hill, New South Wales, Australia, creates a bright use of Halloween Window Decoration. (And it is a pretty good use of Ghostly Apparitions Decoration, too!) Read about it in the AtmosFAN Hall of Fame.
Check out how these and other AtmosFANs have Halloween Window Decoration Collection – as well as many other techniques – in the AtmosFAN Hall of Fame!