Digital Decorating is TV 2.0 — Three of Our Favorites!

Displaying AtmosFX Decorations on a television screen or monitor is about as easy as it gets. It is barely different than playing a movie but that’s where the comparison ends. Our fans have created some incredibly inventive ways to use the TV/Monitor Mode, whether by repurposing an old computer monitor, cleverly hiding a tablet, or even moving the family TV to a surprising new place.

Check out these three TV Mode displays. They're pretty awesome.

Bringing a Family Feud Home

Since its release in 2012, AtmosFX’s UnLiving Portraits has been an extremely popular TV/Monitor Mode display. Search YouTube and you’ll see how fans have framed monitors and hung them on a wall. We’ve even seen a false wall built in an entryway to hide the monitors. However, despite its simplicity, we like this display where three Amazon Fire tablets were matted, framed, and then placed inconspicuously on a countertop to chilling effect.

The Warmth of the Holiday Hearth – And No Mess

Each year, David W. builds a miniature Christmas Village in his home. After discovering digital decorating the previous Halloween, he decided to add the "Holiday Hearth" decoration from Night Before Christmas to his holiday display. He built a facade of a fireplace around a spare television; he even hung stockings! The result is a joyful fireplace at the center of David’s Christmas Village complete with elves who extinguish the fireplace in preparation for St. Nick’s visit.

What Spirits Are Contained in this Erie Spell Book?

Sahara S. created this magnificent DIY spellbook for her carry around at her yearly Halloween party, where she was dressed as a witch. She already knew it was an effective prop, but when added an iPad displaying AtmosFX's Eerie Eyes Decoration, she knew she created a costume no one would ever forget.

You can learn more about how to display AtmosFX Decorations in TV/Monitor Mode here and make sure to keep coming back to to see videos submitted by our fans. It is a great way to get inspired any time of year!

If you have your own inspirations to share, make sure to do so by sending your photos and videos using this simple online submission form.

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