Great Ways to Use ‘Santa’s Mailroom’

If you’re like us, you’ve probably been happily stressing the power grid with your Christmas decorations since the early morning hours of November 1. What’s the point of waiting for, uh December, right? But even the most well-prepared decorators with the most well-established displays, sometimes need to carve out space to incorporate new decorations. And when that new decoration is AtmosFX’s charmingly energetic Santa’s Mailroom, it’s a no-brainer.

Check out AtmosFX Affiliate Kari Wellborn review of Santa's Mailroom.

Released less than one week ago, Santa’s Mailroom Decoration is a long-running single-scene decoration that offers a unique peek into a bustling mailroom, where Santa and his elves work around the clock to ensure no letter sent to the North Pole goes unread. Sure to charm both children and adults, the elves process countless sacks of letters from children around the world. It’s non-stop work, but elves being elves, even as the correspondence keeps pouring in, there’s always a spare moment for a holiday dance!

Wherever you display Santa’s Mailroom, indoors or out, know that it is sure to draw a crowd. But where are the best places to do so? We have some great ideas for you.

Plays Well With Others

Before we consider some of the great locations in which you can display Santa’s Mailroom, it is important to share one very important thing: This decoration can work in conjunction with other, similar, AtmosFX Decorations. That means if you are already displaying Santa’s Bakery or Santa and His Elves decorations somewhere in your holiday display, you now have even more content available with Santa’s Mailroom.

That can come in handy, for instance, if you are displaying Santa’s Bakery in your window as part of a North Pole theme, there’s no reason you can’t alternate between the two decorations. First, the passersby will see elves creating sweets for Christmas Day, and later, when the decoration changes, they will see those same elves ingeniously sorting packages and mail. And if you want to get even more detailed, you could display each decoration in each window simultaneously – it will appear as though you have erected an entire elfin village!

It’s also worth noting that there is another AtmosFX Decoration that you may also choose to integrate into your elfin village – Santa’s Workshop Decoration Collection. This joyful decoration remains one of AtmosFX’s most popular decorations, even seven years after its release. Thematically, this decoration fits right in with the other three, but it is worth noting the characters rendered are stylistically different. So, for those who would prefer to have Santa’s elves rendered in the same style, you may choose to display Santa’s Workshop in a different location.

Great for Windows

Now that we’ve established that Santa’s Mailroom effortlessly works with other AtmosFX Decorations, let’s consider where it is best displayed. And we’ll start with the obvious: It looks amazing in your front window!

Because Santa’s Mailroom is designed to look from the outside that the North Pole mailroom is functioning seamlessly in your house, all you really need to do is display it in your window. It’s easy. Simply place AtmosFX Window Projection Material in a window facing the street – the larger the better – and project directly onto it. From the outside, visitors and passersby will believe that they are peering into the window of Santa’s bustling mailroom.

If that’s all you wanted to do, know that you’ve already created a holiday display that your neighbors will be asking about. But, if you want to go further, consider it a lively addition to an already established Christmas display. Especially for those who have created a North Pole village or similar, Santa’s Mailroom is the perfect complement.

And while we are talking about windows, remember that you aren’t just limited to the ones at the front of your house. For those of you who create tabletop Christmas Villages, for instance, think about how you can invigorate it by placing Santa’s Mailroom (often on a smartphone or tablet screen) in those windows!

Use Screens, Large or Small

Speaking of smartphones and tablets, don’t overlook screens, large or small, when it comes to displaying Santa’s Mailroom. As we mentioned above, for those who have Christmas Village displays in their home, don’t miss the opportunity to copy Santa’s Mailroom to a tablet or unused smartphone and place that screen in the window of a building in your Christmas Village.

And if you don’t want to get that elaborate, know that Santa’s Mailroom is a great passive decoration when the TV is not in use. Or, for a less passive use, display it where the children gather and play – it will keep them occupied for hours, especially if you rotate it with Santa’s Bakery, Santa and His Elves and Santa’s Workshop decorations.

Any Wall is a Good Wall!

Lastly, another great way to display Santa’s Mailroom is by doing so on any wall. Indoors or out, it doesn’t matter – just whatever walls look best! This is especially the case if you have a lot of Christmas-themed inflatables or animatronics in the foreground. You’ll create greater interest and depth by projecting onto a surface directly behind it.

If projecting indoors, pick any wall that is relatively uncluttered. That might be the room where the kids play, or perhaps near the Christmas tree. Anywhere! Put Santa’s Mailroom on loop and everyone will be entertained – especially when the elves take a short break to perform a holiday dance!

After all, we should all take inspiration from Santa’s elves. By pausing for a moment to dance, they’re bringing joy to others. And by integrating Santa’s Mailroom into your Christmas decorating display, you are doing the same thing. And isn’t that what holiday entertaining is all about?

How do you use Santa’s Mailroom Decoration to decorate for the holidays? We want to see it! Send us your photos and videos using this simple online submission form!

How are others using Santa’s Mailroom in their decoration displays? Take a look here!

Using a powerful projector, Michelle R. projects Santa’s Mailroom on the side of her entire house. Read about it here in the AtmosFAN Hall of Fame.

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