The best Halloween gadgets 2022: LED mask, smoke machine, projector & Co.

There are countless costumes and decorations for Halloween. If you don't have everything you need for a spooky evening yet, you should hurry so that the products arrive on time before October 31st.

We show a selection of the best gadgets that are still available in time and give tips for a successful Halloween atmosphere.


Since Halloween mainly takes place on the front door, decorative elements that are visible from afar are important. For example, how about a spooky scene in the door frame that is only visible as a silhouette? This scenario will play out for us for the second year in a row. The required high-tech accessories are not even expensive.

Very simple video clip projectors are between 30 and 60 euros . The devices saved a handful of short video clips, which they project onto a transparent screen, creating a Halloween and Christmas atmosphere. Due to the darkness that prevails in the evening at the end of October, the cheap devices are sufficiently bright. The main criticism of many buyers is the short lifespan of the projector with its retro design. In addition, only the clips saved ex works can be played and the prices for projectors that can be delivered at short notice are clearly too high.

A better technically alternative are cheap LED projectors . These are no more expensive than the clip projectors, but can also play your own content, which is then projected from the inside onto a screen in front of the window or in the door frame. Higher quality and usable budget projectors are available from around 100 euros. Scary videos can be found on YouTube or from providers such as AtmosFX, from which we use a video.

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