UK AtmosFAN Builds a Terrifying Tombstone

No matter where they originate, we love seeing all the creative videos from our imaginative AtmosFANs. We especially enjoy seeing submissions from places far, far away from our Seattle home. With that in mind, we are delighted to return to the United Kingdom, where we came across some great handmade props by an artist who likes to be called "Halloween Maker."

Halloween Maker's creation is a version of something we have been seeing a lot of over the past several years: props that house a screen playing AtmosFX digital decorations. Whether it is a spellbook, a gravestone, a mirror, or a crystal ball. Here, Halloween Maker is using a scene from Paranormal Passage, but we've seen other clever craftsmen use Eerie Eyes and Phantasms. AtmosFX's newest decoration, Terrors from Beyond, would also work well.

Through the video, you can see how simple it can be to make extremely detailed and personalized props for the spooky season. Insulation foam is the key here as it is relatively inexpensive and easy to carve into exactly size and shape you need. Halloween Maker's 11-minute how-to video takes you through all the steps. He is something of a genius when it comes to carving insulation foam, as you can see from the many other creations he's posted to his Instagram feed.

Of course, Halloween Maker wasn't always Halloween Maker. As recently as three years ago, he was just someone who loved Halloween. It was then he discovered AtmosFX's UnLiving Portraits for which he created a false wall to showcase the backstabbing portraits at his Halloween party. Since then, he's been creating new pieces like mad under his nom d’art.

We also love the fact that Halloween Maker is living in London where, each year, Halloween gets more and more popular. In fact, during the time of his UnLiving Portraits party, he was the only house on his street that would decorate for Halloween. Now, three years later, there's more than 10 and with them, more and more trick 'r' treaters roaming through the neighborhood.

He has also been building up his Halloween Maker YouTube channel — a passion project he hopes to share with others with similar tastes. That, he says, is the best way to really get inspired. Getting involved with a Halloween community, he says, puts you in touch with countless great ideas. And those ideas evolve into your own wonderful creations!

Great work! We all look forward to seeing what Halloween Maker comes up with this season!

We are in the home stretch! Halloween is fast approaching, and we want to see what you are working on! Send your photos and videos using this simple online submission form and you could be the next AtmosFAN of the Week!

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