Miami AtmosFAN Carves Out Hard-Earned Halloween Victory

Some people carve pumpkins, but Miami’s Rodrigo T. carves out victory – at least when it comes to earning neighborhood Halloween decorating contests. This AtmosFAN, known by many through his Instagram handle, @rodtefel, has transformed his home into a haunting paradise that’s got the whole neighborhood under its spell.“Halloween for our family is the Super Bowl of holidays,” Rodrigo tells us. His passion shows in every detail of his display, from the lights and props, to the massive window projections. Rodrigo says his house has become the neighborhood’s Halloween headquarters – “so much so that our home becomes the ‘hangout spot’ for all our friends on Halloween night,” he adds.

You can see why everyone wants to hang out there. Rodrigo’s haunt is a symphony of spectral delights, from the bold colors, giant props, the creepy cobwebs … and the impressive array of AtmosFX Decorations, of course. Peering out from the windows, a witch from the Witching Hour Decoration Collection casts her spell on passersby, while the Grim Reaper from the Legends of Halloween Decoration Collection stands sentinel.

And, too, who could miss the pumpkins from the Jack-O’-Lantern Jamboree decoration collections in Pumpkin Prop Mode, holding court at the center of the display.You know a decoration display is strong when the build-up to the big night is almost as exciting as Halloween itself. “People would come and visit us weeks before Halloween night just to see the ‘pumpkin show’ and ‘the crazy witch’ as the kids call her,” Rodrigo says. When October 31 finally arrived, the response was overwhelming. “We got so many people that passed by our house that we ran out of candy within the first hour!”

Just as the spooky spectacle didn’t go unnoticed by the candy-seeking trick-or-treaters, it also didn’t go unnoticed by the judges of the neighborhood’s Halloween decoration contest. Rodrigo says his family has been participating in the neighborhood Halloween decorating contests for eight years since moving to the area.

“Every year we think that we are going to win because we put more and more theming into our home, but every year there is always some other house that out does us,” he says. “Last year, we decided to incorporate projections and even more theming into our decorations and I was hooked!”

Rodrigo’s AtmosFX-enhanced display finally clinched the victory. “We are the proud winners of the ‘Grim Reaper Award’ for best Halloween decorations,” he exclaims.

As for this upcoming year? Rodrigo is already plotting and planning. “We are coming for it again in 2024,” he declares, hinting at even more spine-tingling surprises to come.

For those inspired by Rodrigo’s haunting, and to see what he will be up to this Halloween season, be sure to check out his Instagram (@rodtefel) for more glimpses into his award-winning Halloween world. And while you’re at it, check out AtmosFX’s Instagram, too!

Have you created a haunting Halloween display that’s causing a stir in your neighborhood – maybe even won some awards? We want to see it! Share your spooky setups with us using this simple online form. With each submission you will earn points to use in the AtmosFX online store, and winners will not only inspire fellow Halloween enthusiasts around the globe, but they will earn a free decoration collection as AtmosFAN of the Week!

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