Gourdy's Patch: My Favorite Easter Eggs

Gourdy here! Everybody seems to think that all I care about is Halloween. Well, egg-scuuuuuuuuuse, me! I love all holidays!

Well, maybe not all holidays. April 20 is National Lima Bean Respect Day – probably one of the stupidest holidays I've ever heard of. Legumes – so needy! You ever hear of pumpkins begging for respect? Of course not!

Anyway, this year, one of my favorite holidays comes immediately after that lousy one. Can you guess what it is? Egg-actly! Easter! Do you know why I love Easter so much? Easter allows me to egg-spress my softer, most sensitive side. Even I, Gourdy, can't be All-Halloween-All-the-Time, right?

One of the things I like to do in the weeks prior to Easter is color eggs. It quiets the mind. When I'm coloring eggs, I am challenging myself to see other holidays, other perspectives. I become more thoughtful and introspective. Speaking of eggs: Did you hear about the piece of toast and a hard-boiled egg that walked into a bar?

The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast here.” HA HA HA HA HA HA!

OK, let me show you some egg-samples of my favorite eggs I just decorated:

This is a portrait of my little brother, back when we were just young gourds. This is the face he made when he discovered I ate ALL of his Easter Peeps! Ha!

What, besides the Easter Bunny, brings joy to the faces of children? Clowns, of course! Note to self: AtmosFX should make a clown decoration, don’t you think?

This is one of my favorites – I was inspired by AtmosFX's Zombie Invasion! Digital Decoration. See how it is cracked open like a soft-boiled egg? Now those are some brains I could to feast on!

Some folks say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Here’s Exhibit #A!

Why hasn't anyone thought of this sooner? Just think of your child's face when they're reaching deep into a dark corner during their Easter egg hunt and they find this beauty!

There you have it – a few egg-straordinary egg-samples of how I relax during the Easter season. Do you color Easter Eggs? If so, make sure to egg-spedite us photos using this simple online submission form and we'll be sure to post some of the most egg-ceptional ones!

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