Some people hang their family portraits on the wall. But for AtmosFAN Paul S. of Woodbridge, Virginia, the most fitting place for his particular collection is at the center of his graveyard. His creative twist on UnLiving Portraits Decoration Collection breathes new life into his Halloween display – or perhaps we should say, takes its last breath?As most of you know, UnLiving Portraits has been a longtime favorite of Halloween decorators and pranksters who love to create a mind-blowing prop. (Not familiar? Check this out!) Typically, creative decorators will display the AtmosFX Decoration on their walls, often on framed television monitors, creating a ghostly gallery of portraits. Paul took a decidedly different approach – and one we don’t see very often, if ever.
Paul used the same basic technique and integrated the portraits directly into his outdoor cemetery display, mounting screens within custom-made tombstones. As seen in the image above, each tombstone “memorializes” a different character from UnLiving Portraits, creating an eerie graveyard of the departed that comes to life when viewers least expect it!
The effect is striking – three weathered tombstones stand in a row, each containing what appears to be a somber memorial portrait. But, as you can see, there isn’t anything ordinary about these dearly departed! We also love how Paul’s cemetery setting is enhanced by dramatic lighting, with green and blue hues casting long shadows across the lawn, while additional decorative tombstones complete the scene. It paints a gloriously eerie scene.
“I’ve been haunting the neighborhood for 20 years now,” Paul tells us. “We usually put on a huge show every Halloween but couldn’t do so this year. So I thought up a project to entertain the crowds. My UnLiving tombstones were a huge hit.”
The success of Paul’s creative display has already inspired others. “It was so popular, I am helping several haunters build their own versions for Halloween 2025,” he adds.
It may be the New Year, but it is never too early to start working on next year’s props! Have you sent us photos or videos from your previous Halloween display? It is never too late! Send your photos and videos using this simple online form and, in addition to inspiring countless other Halloween fans, you might become the next AtmosFAN of the Week. You’ll earn points for use in the AtmosFX online store just for submitting, and if you’re selected, you’ll win a free decoration collection!