Art Imitates Death in AtmosFAN’s Crafty Sculptures

Which came first? Marnie O.’s amazing Halloween sculptures featuring classic Halloween legends? Or did the Legends of Halloween come first? It makes no difference to us, because this spooky life-size sculpture garden Marnie created at her home in Monroe, North Carolina, is truly legendary. All credit goes to her!

Marnie’s Halloween display seamlessly blends the virtual world of AtmosFX Decorations with stone-like creations, resulting in a truly immersive and unforgettable experience for visitors. Take, for instance, how the Grim Reaper, one of the iconic characters from Legends of Halloween, is brilliantly captured through Marnie’s sculpture. The cloaked figure, complete with a scythe, offers an ominous invitation to “hear a story.”Nearby, there’s a different Grim Reaper that’s differently ominous. Marnie’s incorporation of a spherical sculpture with water flowing over it, and she’s projecting Legends of Halloween in “Decorating Disc Mode.” The swirling, distorted image of the skeletal face on the water’s surface is haunting, especially in conjunction with her static sculpture.

“The fountain projections, which were the centerpiece of our cemetery, were especially popular and the images looked amazing projected onto the water,” Marnie tells us.The same goes for the Headless Horseman. We see Marnie’s large static sculpture, which looks great on its own. But when a similar ghostly image is projected onto AtmosFX’s Hollusion Projection Material, framed by an archway adorned with orange string lights and what looks to be antlers, it gets even better. It appears the Headless Horseman is floating in the night air, ready to chase down unsuspecting trick-or-treaters.
It’s also worth noting that, with a new member decoration ready to be released this autumn, Marnie might have a new character to introduce in her display – Legends of Halloween: Scarecrow.

We love how Marnie figured out how AtmosFX Decorations can be elevated to new heights when combined with sculptures and a touch of imagination. And trust us, there’s a lot more to Marnie’s decoration display than just this. We can see why the neighbors loved it!

“Our neighbors all loved our AtmosFX projections,” Marnie tells us. “They really made our house stand out from all the others in the neighborhood. I think we met more people in our neighborhood over the past week since we started running our projections than we have in the whole past year-and-a-half that we lived in our house.”

How are you and your neighborhood preparing to celebrate the day? Send photos and videos to us using this simple online submission form and you’ll earn rewards for use in the AtmosFX online store. And if yours is selected to be the next AtmosFAN of the Week, you’ll receive a complete decoration collection.

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