Great Ways to Display ‘Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving’

Who needs one more thing to do in preparation for Thanksgiving? Us neither. That’s why decorating with AtmosFX is so easy – with only a few minutes of setup, you can display vibrant and dynamic Thanksgiving decorations your whole family will enjoy. And cleaning up? It’s as easy as turning off your computer or projector.

This is, of course, true for all AtmosFX Decorations. And it is true for the newest, Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving, too. Featuring cartoon turkeys, scarecrows and other Thanksgiving icons, this bright and buoyant procession of 10 autumn-themed inflatables is sure to delight the family, young and old alike.

Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving Decoration is the third Thanksgiving-themed decoration created by AtmosFX – the other two being Turkey Tomfoolery and Happy Thanksgiving. All three make it easy to decorate (and clean up!) for the big day. 

So what are some of the best ways to easily decorate with Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving this holiday? We have some ideas for you.

Bring the Parade to Your Home

Let’s start with the obvious. Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving owes its debt to the famous Thanksgiving Day parade we all are so accustomed to watching on Thursday morning. So why not create your own, as well?

With a projector, you can display Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving onto a wall in the family room as a way to get the children “warmed up” before the parade. Of course, you can display it on your television, too. We’ll bet the kids will ask to play it over and over after the televised parade is done, too. Tip: You’ll want to find somewhere else to display the decoration when football comes on!

Assuming you still have your Window Projection Material in your window (and why wouldn’t you? – Halloween is barely over and Christmas is fast approaching), displaying Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving in your window brings the parade festivities to all of your neighbors and passers-by on the street. And, remember, you can loop this decoration with Turkey Tomfoolery and Happy Thanksgiving to create a longer display.

Easy Indoor Decorating

Of course, there are many uses for Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving that aren’t associated with the Thursday morning televised procession. The playful animated inflatables are classic Thanksgiving images, meaning you can display the decoration anytime and anywhere to get a great Turkey-day vibe.

For instance, any place in your house that has some open space is perfect for a wall projection. The wall near the kid’s table, for instance, is a great place to keep the kids happily entertained while they eat. Maybe even quiet! Of course, the wall in the main dining room works, too.

For those who are willing to get creative, you can always load Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving onto a tablet or digital picture frame and place it on the buffet table. Heck! If there is a place up high to set a projector and a little open space on the tablecloth (admittedly a rarity on Turkey Day), you can project directly onto the Thanksgiving table!

One great thing to remember – Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving has a window display mode in which the background is muted, making it easier to match the colors in your Thanksgiving decorating scheme. And who doesn’t want that? Dynamic and easy decorating that fits with your holiday decor? That’s a key ingredient for a perfect Thanksgiving.

How do you like to display any of AtmosFX’s three Thanksgiving-themed decorations? Send us your photos and videos using this easy online submission form!

How do others decorate with ‘Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving’ for the holiday? Check it out below!

Once November arrives, Chris H., of Roslindale, Mass., transitions his Halloween display into a crowd-pleasing Thanksgiving display by leaving the Window Projection Material in his upstairs window, and then projecting Balloon Parade: Thanksgiving onto it. (That's a great Doorway Mode display of Turkey Tomfoolery Decoration, too!) Read about Chris’ display in the AtmosFAN Hall of Fame.

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