AtmosFAN Transforms Knickknacks into Halloween Effect

Aside from being the Halloween season (because every day after July 4 is the Halloween season), this is also the prime time of year for garage and yard sales, antiquing, and the never-ending quest to find cool knickknacks and tchotchkes. Todd S. of North Saint Paul, Minnesota, certainly found some beauties – and put them to great use in his Halloween display.

Todd tells us that he actually found these three strange statuettes at a local Target store, which only underscores that you never really know where you might find the next cool prop that could soon become the centerpiece of your Halloween display.

“I would have families staying and watch the complete show,” Todd says of his display utilizing Jack-O’-Lantern Jamboree 3. Released in 2021, the decoration collection has been hugely popular, in part because it includes three licensed Halloween songs, Ghostbusters, The Addams Family, and the one Todd captured on video, Monster Mash.

How did Todd set this up? Same way countless other AtmosFANs do so with uncarved pumpkins. It’s easy. The secret is to make sure all three pumpkins are independent of each other so you can slightly adjust each one so the jack-o’-lantern’s faces are perfect. Hiding the projector is important, too – it makes the effect so much more convincing! If you’d like to create this yourself, we have an easy how-to guide here.

Todd’s display is a great reminder that, while all three Jack-O’-Lantern Jamboree decorations look amazing projected onto uncarved pumpkins, there are plenty of other great ways to display them, too. We’ve seen those chatty pumpkins displayed on beach balls, apples, basketballs, bowling balls – anything! (And of course, plenty of people display them on windows, walls and TVs – like any other AtmosFX Decoration.)

Great work, Todd! We love this incredibly unique display – it makes us want to start scouring the nearby garage sales, thrift stores and antique shops to see what else we might be able to project on!

It’s time to start thinking about your upcoming Halloween display! Send us your photos and videos of previous Halloweens, or maybe something you are currently working on for this year. Each submission will earn you Kudos for use in the AtmosFX online store, and those selected as AtmosFAN of the Week will receive a complete decoration collection of their choice!

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